We Have a Certain Hope
Partnering with Believe in a Cure to fund research and hope for the FOXG1 Community
Meet Aidyn Mae

A Letter From Aidyn's Parents
On August 23, 2022, when Aidyn was a mere 6 months old, we received her diagnosis — she had FOXG1 Syndrome. Aidyn underwent numerous appointments and tests that led up to this day, and while we knew there was “something” wrong, we were left in utter disbelief when we were told there weren’t any available treatments and that the life expectancy for our baby girl was less than ten years.   
The last two years have been difficult, and at times, unbearable. From daily therapy appointments to the constant influx of medications, we’re trying to learn what we can do best for our girl. We have both been brought to tears and to our knees begging the Lord for mercy on innumerable occasions. He has been faithful in providing an outpouring of provision and love from our community so that we can continuously take steps toward maximizing the quality of Aidyn’s life. 

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We'd love to share more about FOXG1 and Aidyn Mae's story with you. Contact us below to get in touch. We look forward to connecting with you.
Email: aidynmaehopefund@gmail.com